Riyadh Dream Villas

The inspiration for Riyadh Dream Villas is everything that we see- The area’s natural condition and rich history being one that forms quite heavily to the ideas and formation of the architecture. This natural sensibility has been abstracted throughout the architecture narrative as a series of intersecting dunes orientated to optimize the prevailing winds, crafted to provide internal space with high quality daylight while maintaining its comfort under the harsh sun. With this significant gesture of the roof, it enables various spaces with its own characteristics to be created, namely: The ‘Cave’, The ‘Valley’, The ‘Garden’.

The concept is simple, formed with articulated, dividing horizontality that provides diverse spaces and curational options to social spaces, meditation area, common areas, gardens, orchards and etc. It draws a new sensibility, which is the respect that is treated when an architecture meets nature.

The Riyadh Dream Villas is a place where the public intersects with the private spaces, where man-made features communicate with the organic nature- Reclaim, transform and remediate.

©StudioTiltedCircle 2024